In the sequel, to ever after now book one, Ellie Termain lives a modern Cinderella tale without knowing it. Ellie knows she isn't popular like her stepsisters even though her looks surpass them. Being un popular mean that you can't go to popular parties. Despite that, she wants to go to a popular party with her crush Charlie. Even though she is like a normal teen, at home she must do chores to earn her stay, and her wicked stepmom would never let her go to the party. But with a little help from her god-mother, and some of her friends she will be able to make her dreams come true! Unless Ellie's stepsister Vanessa doesn't try to steal Ellie's story. If Ellie doesn't bring things back to normal, then her happily ever after won't happen
Ever After now is a series of teenagers that discover one thing is the same about all of them, they all live lives of fairy tale characters. Follow Winnie, Ellie, Rose, Alex, Grace, Baylee, Jade, Rae and Noel on a journey till the end.