The first; a blonde with bright blue eyes and tanned but pale skin, he holds a beast within, but this beast is but a friend in a monster's clothing, even a boy knows what must be said: "I won't run away anymore... I won't go back on my word... that is my ninja way!"
The second; a blonde with crimson eyes and pale skin, he holds a rage deep within that others see as arrogance, he holds a sadness so deep that others can't see it, but even he, knows what must be spoken: "I will win. Because... that's what a hero does."
The third; a ravenette with silver eyes and pale skin who's appearance can change to snowy hair and crimson eyes at will. She goes through a life of horror yet is always kind and forgiving, but don't you dare take her kindness for weakness because in reality she's a wolf waiting for her prey, while you, are just a mere rabbit. Don't mistake her silence, because even she knows when a bark is not enough: "I have been fighting since I was a child, I am not a survivor. I am a warrior. The tiger and the lion may be more powerful but the wolf does not perform in the circus."
When these three are brought together into a tale of three, what might occur in the thirds world of chaos.