The first book in "The Super Mane Six" franchise on wattpad. This book is focusing on Fluttershy's point of view when Princess Celestia brought her to a mysterious land called "Berk" to learn a friendship lesson. She wakes up shocked to find a dragon and a human in front of her, and the human takes her to his house. Later, the human's dragon tries to become her friend, and as Fluttershy bonds with this dragon, she overcomes her fear of dragons slowly. She is slowly learning a friendship lesson as she resides in Berk. The Vikings, however, want to kill the pony because dragons weren't allowed to be friends with dragon. They wanted to burn the pony and cook it alive, and not only the guy and the dragon won't be there, but her friends aren't there either! Will the Vikings be successful and kill her? Or will she live to tell Celestia and her friend's friendship lesson?