The story behind the song revolves around a boy, Hibiya, and a girl, Hiyori. On August 15th, the two of them are spending time together in a park. Hiyori has a cat on her lap, when all of a sudden the cat runs away and the girl tries to get it back. Hibiya witnesses Hiyori running out into the street to retrieve the black cat and getting hit by a truck. The heat apparently mocks him in his daze, and he blacks out. Following, he wakes up on August 14th and goes to meet Hiyori again, where he tells her about his strange dream that took place in the park they were walking in. Hibiya suggests that they go home together, but just as Hiyori steps in front of him, a pole falls from the sky and pierces through her. The heat once again laughs at him. Before he blacks out, he notices Hiyori seeming to be smiling as she dies. ( this is actually a song but I just want to share it to you guys).
By the way this is not mine this is an LN named Kagerou Days