This story follows Cora-Anne Chloe, the half blood witch who is a pillar of how the earth works and she's only 19! Cora is sex driven, lazy teenager who is the only being in creation who can openly time travel, but can she save those she loves from a horrible sad fate by rewriting the past the way she wants too? ~ First person ~ Main Character introduction: • Name ~ Cora-Anne Chloe • Age ~ Various ages across book so to make it easier, I'll let you know Cora's age at the start of each chapter x • Appearance ~ Blonde, slightly wavy and mid-back length hair. Deep blue, tinged grey eyes and rosie cheeks. • Life up to this point ~ reasonably boring actually I mean she's six lol. I mean hahah, she's actually lived a ordinary life, with two normal parents for a six year old girl in the 21st century ;) So I'll introduce myself too, I'm CC, I'm also nineteen, a girl and I'm from Australia 👋🏻 First time posting a story so I hope you will hang in there. Cause... there will be SMUT involved, not in the prologue obviously guys... she's six. Or are you into that?.... Hmu any sex freaks out there, or anyone who maybe wants to have a little fun ;) we could maybe think up scenes or even act them if your interested (boys and girls welcome, what can I say I'm curious. Should I make the main character bi? Would that turn you on? Cause that's what I'm aiming for daddy... or mummy? Hehe xx ;) but I am serious about this story, I've wanted to write it for a long time but I like I'll have more fun with it if it's sexy ;) I also wanna try and make it XReader xx but I don't know how I'll go with that Pic ^^ credit -