Once, there was a land, so far away and so beautiful that no human could touch it. That was until The Pevensies arrived there. They fought evil and darkness and prevailed, saving the land from all evil for at least 1000 years. But they disappeared one day, and to this day, nobody knows where they went.
It's been 1,300 years since they were last here, and it seems darkness has only revived itself in the form of King Miraz, the Uncle of the Great Prince Caspian. Yet again, another well known story from this land. You may now be asking, what land do you speak of?
Well, Narnia of course. The land where animals talk, Princesses roam, and happy endings seem to be never ending. The story of Prince Caspian is one all know well. But the way they told it to you in the Human World, is not at all, the real story. Therefore, I am here to enlighten you. Here's the real story no one ever told you...