A Long Time Ago, the land of Niocarro was once a dark place out of balance, filled with evil and cruelty. The Creed of Ember was created by the four heroes of Adam and Eve, named after the Diety Ember. Sent to the capital on Niocarro the Four Heroes, Cassian, the Brave; Lucian, the Courageous; Beatrice, the Kind; and Lavinia, the Valiant, met with Chancellor Alaric to discuss on how to stop the darkness. And Thus the Creed of Ember was born, only spoken about in folklore, fairytales, and whispers across the Galaxy. The Creed was put in place so that when the universe was in dire need, they would come to its aid. But now, the Darkness grows more and more powerful by the day, leaving everyone with the same question, Where Is the Creed?