The Book The Dead Mans Tale follows and capture the chronological life story of three brothers that had to fight for daily survival and escape captivity in a world that does not understand them, after being abused and rejected by their own mother and treated differently by others because of their appearance and smell. David and his older brother had to make plans and learn on how to survive on the outside world through rejection, shame, scarcity and want, not knowing what was happening to their younger brother. As a result of everything that was happening to them, David and his brother had to loose everyone they ever loved, making them wanderers amongst their own people. Then this happened..., an unexpected division between the brothers when chaos broke loose. Being scattered apart, David had to enter into the world of being trapped inside his own mind. Making him feel like an astronaut lost in space. Things became more difficult for him when people could not understand him in his situation and despite failing due to the memory of his past, he had to fight for daily survival and escape captivity in a world that does not understand him. Being accepted into certain families, David thought it was the end of his rejection and sorrow, but little did he knew that it was just the silence before the crazy. SO HE HAD TO MAKE AN ESCAPE PLAN TO SEE THE SIDE OF ANOTHER LINE.
8 parts