{ Under major revision } "How much longer do you think we'll be able to keep up with this?" A voice of unfamiliarity. How particular. One is standing at the edge of a cliff. Staring down at the vast land of the world. His eyes were closed as someone spoke from behind him. "Do not question 'his' desires. You out of all people ought to know better." The person said. Scoffing at the other's unbelievable words. It is not a very normal occurrence for someone to hear a word of uncertainty when everything is going rather smoothly. Nevertheless, the man in question just chuckled softly at the snarky remark before his eyes fluttered open. Dark shades of red hues were shown to the world as the man formed a small smile. But one should know better that is not out of purity. But rather, Amusement. He is amused at the fact that others were hunted down and were kept in the dark. He certainly did not care. Afterall, when heavens favors you and the divine realm feared you, Everything tends to go out by his will. Despite that, he watched the world tumbling down as the person behind him stood with arm crossed. He spoke, - - - - - - "When the time comes, Do remind me that it is still. The beginning of the End." -------- All arts including the Cover used in this book are all by Me *description Update: 01/27/2023All Rights Reserved