In the near future, the war between the Resistance and Skynet still prevails. Though the Resistance had an upper hand before, now Skynet has released a new model of Terminators, which are half-machine and half-demogorgon. Sensing defeat, the Resistance retreat but their leader John Conner find hope, help and an extra chance to win, after meeting a woman named Eleven, who can telekinetically move objects with her mind. However, Eleven dies, sacrificing herself to save John from becoming the T-3000. Although John has fully becomed a T-3000, he still has his good human personality and uses his new found powers to fight Skynet and avenge her death. Realising that the enemy is getting stronger, Skynet sends their greatest creation, a giant cybernetic fleshy spider monster infused with metal armour, liquid-metal and billions of nanobots, called the T-5000000, back in time to terminate the younger version of Eleven and her friends and family to ensure that no one helps John. With no other option, John/T-3000 volunteers himself to go back to protect the younger Eleven and her friends and family, but he doesn't go alone. John/T-3000 assembles himself a team of Terminators which consists of him as the leader and 4 reprogrammed Terminators, who are an elderly T-800 named Carl, the liquid-metal T-1000 named Matt, the female Terminator T-X named Carol, and the splitting liquid-metal Rev-9 named Robbie.