Olivia Aldaire is 20 years old and the daughter of King Dexter Alfredson and Elaine Aldaire, a princess if you will. A boring life filled with no excitement and no adventure...or so she thinks.
Osanna Holmwoode is 21 years old and the daughter of Grayson Wilmere and Florence Holmwoode. Osanna took a chance when they started allowing women to train as knights. This was something she wanted to do, something she was glad she had the chance to do. Excitement and an adventure...
King Dexter of Aston had been sent several threats most directed towards princess Olivia...he must send her away to her uncle in Middlesborough... when Olivia is sent away she is only told her uncle is King of Middlesborough and that he will assign her a knight who will keep watch over her.
What her father had not yet realized was that this was only the start of Olivia's adventures in Middlesborough....