An impending threat of near-cataclysmic proportions looms over Earth. In the not-too-distant future of 2022, an immense Meteorite of an incalculable size is first discovered, hurtling through space on a set path towards the planet, estimated to collide with Earth in roughly 3 years, bringing mankind to a very real and possible brink of extinction.
Strenuous efforts are undertaken, but when the valiant attempts made by the United Nations Security Council along with NASA fail to intercept the meteorite and save humanity and the world from a devastating Impact Event, an event that will likely cause large-scale catastrophic ruin.
Desperation consumes society, it begins to unravel while the governments of the world quietly dissolve, retreating into obscurity for their own survival and salvation. What once was established order has now become lost, society is left to their own individual survival, forced to fend for themselves in a world gone crazy.
Populations free fall into a downward spiral of hopelessness as the world starts to tear itself apart, but a pocket of survivors settled in Hallevort, Vermont have begun to fight back and plan to save what's left of the world before its total destruction and annihilation. Could society ever overcome the malicious evil that relentlessly permeates the streets of Hallevort and the world?
In the aftermath of the event, the final act unfolds during the fallout, 5 months removed from the meteor impact, on the unpredictable, chaotic and dangerous streets of the rubble and ruined cities of Hallevort and it's capital city 28 miles away, that is New Haven Bay, Vermont. A city in dire ruin that's become a central hub, sanctuary and hunting ground for the insanely twisted and wicked. A place mostly inhabited by criminals, murderers, sadists, cannibals and psychopaths.
Will the world rebuild itself out of the burning ashes and reverse the grim nature of human behaviour or was hope forever lost and had most of society gone too far?Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang