From backwards to front.
First and foremost I would like to express my thanks towards every individual that has helped me compose the following extracts, eventually leading into a book-sized length which you have found yourself reading. Although I very much wish to mention everyone's' name in this premise unfortunately this isn't achievable due to the lengthy amount of people I wish to thank.
However, if you're reading this, and you know who you are, I want to express my appreciation towards every one of you for assisting along my journey. Whether this be as a friend, employee, partner or family.
Thank you.
So, what is Journey of a Human?
Truth be told, this isn't some book with any climatic ending or thrilling plot twists, so if that's what you're currently seeking then I am sorry to inform you that this is not the appropriate reading material for you to digest. However, if I have by any means caught your interest, then please do stay and enjoy what I have set out for you.
In all honesty, I spent quite some time debating whether this was the correct thing for me to do, after-all as we are all aware it's not only difficult to speak of our harsh past, but it's harder to confront the past ourselves. However, after both critical and crucial thinking I now know that this is not only what is required in order to overcome my past issues, I also hope that with my words can not only allow fewer people to feel imprisoned by their mental health or tough pasts, but to spread awareness around the stigmatism that is unfortunately associated with all forms of mental health.
Finally, I'd like to warmly welcome you to my book, also known as:
My journey, Journey of a Human