Title: Double Edged Author: Abigail Pittman Twenty-year-old Elia Clifton is a girl still suffering from an accident that took her mother's life over six years earlier. When she finds that the door to the attic is a gateway to another world, she takes the chance and jumps into an adventure of a lifetime. Jareth is an elfin prince under a strange spell that has been all but ostricized by his own kingdom. Now he hides in a forgotten royal temple with the few servants that do not fear him, searching for the girl that could be his salvation. There, he meets Elia and they have to race against time to stop an evil advisor from destroying the balance between their worlds. But along the way, can she help him overcome his mysterious nightly curse? Can he help her heal from old wounds and betrayals from the past? "All you have to do is open the door."All Rights Reserved