In a world where magic is only the work of fiction and fairytales, a group of friends stumble upon a secret that changes their lives forever. Now caught up in a world of horrific dark experiments, and super weapons created for the sole purpose of destroying life, this group of unlikely heroes must find out the truth, and stop the encroaching darkness. If they will be able to succeed, or if they will fall to the shadows, only time will tell. Now is the time for Champions to be born, to rise against the evil, before it is too late.
Undertale was created and is owned by Toby Fox, I take no ownership for it or it's characters or story.
All alternate universe characters used in this story belong to their respective creators and are being depicted with artistic liberties and are not accurate depictions of the original characters created by others.
C0deta1e and Veterantale both belong to myself these characters are Shane/Wolf, Ghost, and C0de/Zer0/Ma1ice.
Cover art is created by me, I'm very proud of it, please do not steal and claim it as your own. Reposting it is fine as long as I am credited for it (also is appreciated if you tag or link my profile if you do repost or use it).
WARNING: This book does contain strong language, violent scenes, and possibly triggering subjects, viewer discretion is advised. I do put warnings for what a chapter contains for the more serious or triggering chapters at the beginning of them so readers know.
Be aware this book assumes that the reader understands and accepts that it may contain more mature content, and by reading you claim full responsibility for any consequences that may arise due to reading said content. The story is after all written by an adult and has a darker theme in some parts, it is thus not meant for more sensitive readers.
This may be a shipping book, but it's a slow burn. This is a story first and foremost, a ship book secondly.
Thanks, hope you enjoy!
Nightmare's gang always knew that their job was risky, but they never expected to actually die.
Then Killer was killed.
Nightmare found a replacement quickly enough, but this new Killer isn't the same as the old one, and the gang are having a hard time adjusting.
Inspired by a comic by darkxsoulzyxcaliberx. Something New belongs to rahafwabas. Dusttale belongs to Ask-Dusttale. Dreamtale belongs to Joku. Horrortale belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios. Xtale and Underverse belong to Jakei. Underswap belongs to p0pcornPr1nce/the Undertale AU community. Ink!Sans belongs to Comyet. Any other characters and AUs mentioned belong to their original creators. All art by me. A huge thank you to my partner for beta-reading.