A wolf was destined to fall in love with one's sister, but ends up falling for the other one instead. Challenges occur, friendships break, havoc wreaks, and fights break out. Caden, doesn't feel right for Redina's sister, Mella, but ends up falling for Redina instead. His younger brother, Mark, may or may not find out his little crush. Mella might be envious of Redina, or maybe it'll be a secret to keep to the grave... Me, Creamykitty, will post and update when I can, do not rush me, as I will be trying my best. With school and all this bs, it's hard to squEeze freetime in. I will post, so there is a very minute chance that I will abandon this story. I have a good feeling in my gut that this story will be good if I try. Love y'all, and I'll see ya soon.