Meet Andrea Anderson, a sarcastic, sassy nineteen year old orphan living in New York, who is studying photography at college. All she's left from her parents is a guitar pick, which is sad because she wants to play the guitar but doesn't have the money. Her yearning to play music grows strong enough that she steals a guitar from a rich guy she knows. She plays and creates a YouTube channel to show her talent. She plays small gigs at cafés and one night, drunk out of her mind, she meets a guy: a bassist. With his help they form a band- without a lead vocalist. Because as much as Andy does an awesome job at being a lead vocalist, she needs a male voice. The one she stole the guitar from becomes their lead vocalist and she can't engage in any conversation with him that's not related to music. But when they kiss one night, they think the little friendship they had was gone. Despite that, they become famous worldwide- but when another band challenges them online to a battle of the bands, they have their careers in the balance. Andy's confident in the others, but what about herself? After all, in the end, all she is is a star with a stolen guitar.All Rights Reserved
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