this Story is about a little girl that was taken away at a very young age, and has been depressed ever since the thigs she had lost from long ago..She won a tons of achievements in her current age (13).
She is trying to be more positive, but whenever she is, Something always bad has to happen to ruin her Life even more.
This little girls Name is Elizabeth, Her Father is a Drug addict And her mother is an extreme Alcoholic
She not has quite seen her mother lately. Her mother hadn't seen her since her last Birthday, and hasn't seen her since. Her father seen her before but that was 6 months ago....
the only to see her is her Grandmother
Elizabeth is suicidal and has a bit of depression. She is a complete outcast, She has friends but is too scared to even talk to them. She enjoys drawing emotional drawing about her life.
Elizabeth is in a foster home in on the outskirts of Winnipeg MB.
She had lost her Self-Confidence and now is self-Conscious.