You're over my head out of my mind thinking I was born in the wrong time one of a kind, living in a world gone plastic Nova YOUR SO CASSIC! I was listening to on my bed and then I got a text from a unknown number it said (I hope you know your really over weight and probably should loose some! ) I constantly got those text from unknown numbers so I never knew who it could be. The bad thing is I was having a good day I haven't got one of those texts in a week I thought maybe I lost some weight. :.( why would I even think I lost weight I thought to myself. I was always was sad and down and my parents and sibling would always ask me if I was ok I had to say that was just my face because I never slept and they believed me they obviously don't know the real me. I stepped on the scale today and it said 115.5 and I'm only 16. Shouldn't I be like 100 pounds? Today I'm starting my new diet pill and my parents don't know I'm also gonna start eating only two meals and one snack:) Im super excited.All Rights Reserved
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