(warning ⚠️ this story has rape,death and self harming in it⚠️)
Hi I'm lilly Winston yes I'm the little sister of Dallas Winston. Life as a greaser is pretty fucked up but not with the gang around. Darry curtis is like the dad of all of us he is strong and hard working but that don't stop him from watching out for all of us, Two-bit Matthews is the jokester out of all the boys he love Mickey mouse but never stops us from smiling, Johnny Cade is a shy boy he is like the gangs puppy he is always fallowing my brother around along with Pony boy, Pony boy Curtis my friend who loves reading and sun sets Pony is the romantic one along with his brother Soda, Steve randle Sodapop's and my best friend Steve is reckless and loves cars but he is always picking on me and Soda,and last is my boyfriend Sodapop Curtis the only boy dally is okay with me dating. But that's okay with me because Soda is gorgeous. Much like pony his romance and kind hearted. I couldn't ask for anything better then him. But when things go south for me Johnny and Pony leave town Soda and me start to fight will it ruin us find out in Dallas Winston's sister.