Everyone is capable of loving someone. A feeling that makes you warm all over, one that sends tingles down your spine. One that drives you half crazy, half numbs you from the very center of your being. One that takes over your mind,body and senses. Blinding you from what truly lies behind a four letter word. This so called ‘love’ is not what it's supposed to be. Instead,love takes the form of a snake. Wrapping itself around your heart,sitting there waiting for that one moment. The one were you have your heart ripped out as the snake takes action. As it clenches around your heart,inserting its poison into you. Cold and hot as it takes over you,through each pore,each strand of hair,each cell. Traveling through your veins,flooding your blood,fogging your mind,over powering you in every single way...At least that's what Piper Williams thinks. Piper,who looks normal,acts normal,lives normal. As far as normal,normal can get. But not normal enough,not normal enough for Sebastioñ Reyes.