A great menace looms over Wattpad and the entire world of fanfictions! The wretched stories!
My name is Evgenij, and, along with my friend fanwriter91, I created, in 2017, a blog initially dedicated to the slating of terrible fanfictions that violate the rules of the Italian fanfiction website EFP, such as plagiarism, trolls' works, stories filled with sexism, machismo, rape and other crimes apologies, tales which were disrespectful towards to the real victims of bullying, self-harm and violence, abominations which altered historical reality and a lot more. You may find such pannings on the collection of reviews "Demoni di EFP" (in Italian).
After having demolished the Italian translations of many horrible fanfictions, we finally decided to start a new collection of critical reviews in English.
As we always did, we shall respect the code of conduct of Wattpad: we shall never allow any author to be bullied or harassed; however we shall be firm in our condemnation of every sort of chauvinistic, sexist, homophobic, racist or fascist message.
[Cover image: The scream, by Edvard Munch.]
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