The convict beyond the bars has struggled to for into the norm;the disease that has manifested itself into our everyday life as we seek not to the persona non grata of out kin.But what's worse,is the emotional and verbal abuse that he received from his parents whom incorporated that abuse into a toxic system of values that prized the mythological "toughness". As the convict seek beyond the bars that imprisonment him in his state of despondency,he thought of 2 thoughts:(1)Anything can happen(2) It's the best to get ready for it. He didn't give his feelings much thought.Why dwell on something that might eventually lead to a fuel catastrophic thought of intense sadness and despair? Can't take the overwhelming thoughts?Just don't think about it....though it's easier said then done...because everybody has went through that phase of perceiving our entity,reflecting on our purpose in life and the sole reason as to why we always fall back into purgatory;the place where we could truly be as selfless as we can be and let your feelings dance wild,the place where you become your only true God;because we're the the only ones capable of judging ourselves.