[✓] [Now on Patreon] When a terrible plague strikes the city of Alkaya, Royal Chef Neveshir must attempt forbidden blood-magic in order to save his home, his people, and the Shah he isn't meant to love.
Royal Chef Neveshir Sevelin is a Karán: a man born with dangerous magic running through his veins. Like all Maker-touched, he can use fire to transmute, but only Karán have the power to kill with it. Though most Karán spend their careers bound in service on the war-front, Neveshir has sworn off killing. He roams free in Alkaya where he uses his talents to craft culinary masterpieces for his former shieldmate and dearest friend, Shah Melík Saf Kanh, ruler of all Esenia.
When a terrible disease breaks out in the city, however, Neveshir is asked to revisit the powerful magic he hasn't used in decades -- a request that has the Maker's Guild up in arms. Neveshir can't blame them. He knows what he is: a poison-blood who was Maker-made to take lives, not save them.
Then Melík falls ill. The disease spreads beyond the Guild's ability to control, showing a malevolence that defies medicine and forces Neveshir to consider more extreme measures. In order to discover the source of the disease, transmute a cure, and save the man he's not supposed to love, Neveshir must overcome his fear of his own nature -- before it's too late.
The Dark Arm of the Maker is a complete Dark Fantasy / Romance novel of 95k words with gay, bi, asexual, and non-binary characters. The romance is between two men. Read on for: found family, friends-to-lovers, forbidden romance, self-acceptance, a snarky MC, and things getting set on fire.
[Round One Winner: Open Novella Contest. Now revised and expanded.]
الرواية بقلمي أنا إنتصار لخضاري (غيمة) سأقاضي كل من ينقلها بدون إذني .
🍂تنتقل فتاة المدينة للعيش في بيت جدتها في الريف بعد ذلك الحادث الذي تسبب في موت عائلتها لتلتقي هناك بذلك الشاب الذي تدعوه هي بغريب القرية ...دون أن تعلم بأن كل شيء حدث كان مخططا له ، لم تكن أمهاتنا على خطأ حينما أوصيننا أن لا نثق بشخص غريب و أن لا ندعو أناسا لا نعرفهم لبيوتنا ...🍂
" يبدو أنكِ جديدة هنا ، على كل أنا أسكن بالجوار إن إحتجتِ لأي شيء "
إبتسمت و هي تمد يدها لتصافحه " أنا كلوديا ! ما هو إسمك يا غريب القرية ؟"
إبتسم هو إبتسامة ساحرة و صافحها قائلا
" إديس ...أدعى إديس "
🍂صحيح أنها كانت المرة الأولى التي يصافح فيها بشرية لكنه كان متأكدا من أن الأمر سيتعدى ذلك خلال الأيام القليلة القادمة .🍂