Courier's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Killable
2 chapitres Terminé Contenu pour adultesCourier Six. A Mailman. Feared Bear Hunter to the NCR. Infamous Bull Killer among the legion. The Bane of Mr. House. The Conqueror of the Divide. The Mind of the Think Tank. The Thief of Sierra Madre. The Peacekeeper of Zion. The friend of the ENCLAVE Remnants. Ally to the Brotherhood of Steel. Caesar Killer. Independence Bringer. Diplomat. Ferocious Killer. Idol to the Boomers. King of Kings. Leader of Vegas.
The Mojave was as it always was, dangerous. Human nature couldn't be changed by force, it just couldn't. Through Word and Bullet, Courier Six traveled across the sandy. His footprints marking his path as he marched forward towards his goal. After killing Benny with his own gun, Courier Six took over New Vegas. Reason? If anyone has the right to decide the fate of men, it's themselves. Mistakes can't be avoided, the best thing to do is learn from them. His ideals. His perspectives. His way of thinking. That's why Six, affected by amnesia, drove out both, Bull and Bear. After all. Animals are to be hunted by men.