When ash was asked to come see the greatest pokemon master...he didn't expect it to be.....Handsome?! He really had no idea.....what his mind was thinking.....man what was wrong with him?!... It took one glance.....one word from a another boy....that got him in battling mode...but for some reason.....he kept doing faces at ash...faces he didn't understand..... misty kept face palming at his stupidity...."he" found it atracttive?..... ash really had no clue....but what to do.....when the bad guys...wants you? The game of cat a mouse has begone...except ash isn't the mouse.... he's the prize....humans.....besides..him are the mouse....well.....mice.... " hen....not bad thinking....ash"~m2 " how do you know my name?!" ~ash " oh there's a lot more i know about you....."~ m2 " that's creepy......" ash said " in public places, through the news isn't....." m2 said "......what do you want....what is there to gain?!" ash yelled " for starters....you~!"m2All Rights Reserved