Tokyo kingdom, a place where humans, monsters, and demons live together. However, there is a growing unrest between three factions that hole themselves in Tokyo. The Taimanin, who seek to rid the world of evil, and protect the innocent. The UFS who pose as protectors, while they seek to get rid of the other two factions and gain all the power thy want. And the demon faction, led by the evil vampire lord Edwin Black, who seeks to conquer the world and place any he sees beneath him under his boot. If nothing were to be done, the demon faction would surely start to take over, but when a charismatic young Louisiana-born man comes into town, he's going to show these demonic simpletons some proper class and style~~ (A/N: I own nothing of Hazbin Hotel, Taimanin Asagi, any art, or any songs, they belong to their respective creators and them alone.)
29 parts