It's been a few months since Piper won Franziska's trial alongside her godfather, Phoenix Wright. Now without the stress of whether they'll get a guilty verdict or not, everyone has tried to get back into the swing of life without a bunch of stress, evidence, and evil prosecutors.
But Piper's been having strange dreams about her mother and the infamous SL-9 incident. As the days get closer to the day marking eight years since her mother's colleague, Neil Marshall, lost his life to devious police Chief Damon Gant, the nightmares get worse.
Why on earth do these dreams keep happening? Could Piper possibly have some ties to the SL-9 incident? Is something going to be different this eighth year that didn't happen the past seven since the incident happened?
Will Piper have to dig into her past to find out if she'll make it to see seventeen?
Read to find out!!!
(Note: this is the second story in my Phoenix Wright series. If you haven't read the first one yet, I recommend you do, just so we're all on the same page here. Also, all characters, except for the ones you don't recognize, belong to Capcom. I hope you enjoy the story!!!)