You see, as a child I never seemed to understand LOVE. 'We were playing in the sand' The mother's watched as they're children played in the sand near the water. 'And you found a little band' The children dug out something sandy, It was a colourful looking band. 'You told me-' The child turned towards the other and said "It's so colourful, I love it!" 'Hadn't gone as I planned...' The Other child just stared at the one exclaiming. 'When you had to bid adiue' One of the childs mother stood up and called for them, the child snapped out of their trance and looked in they're mothers direction. The child suddenly waved goodbye and started to walk away. 'You said you'd never love anew' The other child just sat there, knowing full well that the other child might never treasure anything else than they're band. 'I wondered if-' The child suddenly said "Can I hold it, Or fall in love with it too...?" The child stopped walking, thinking if they're friend could have the band. They suddenly looked towards the other child and spoke- 'You told me-' "I'm sorry...You can't have it, maybe you can buy a pony? I'm sure that's more fun than a -Stupid- Band..." The hope in the other child's eyes flickered out as they watched the child walk away. 'But all I wanted was...' "You...." the other child quietly mumble as they watched the other child get into a car and drive off.All Rights Reserved