I've been told many times that I should write a book, but I have no clue what I'd write about. Everything that always comes up for me where I become "wise" (as wise as any 19 year old could be I suppose) are just life events. I suppose I'm more of an advice giver who is wise beyond her years. I was given an old soul with much to say. I am not sure of my expectations of this "blog", but if I can get people reading my random words that may or may not make sense then I guess I've achieved something. Even if nobody reads what I have to say, oh well. I am not exactly sure what I will write about. I think to get started I may write some advice I've given to others. As things progress and hopefully more people read and enjoy, I would love to get messages from people in need of advice. I can't promise I'd be able to help everyone, or that my writing is above and beyond amazing, or that I won't ramble on as I am doing now.
So let the Advice Blog begin. :)