Always and Forever is a thrilling fantasy novel that delves into themes of power, betrayal, and self-discovery within a world where supernatural creatures navigate loyalty, tradition, and ambition. The story follows Finley, a young werewolf whose life takes a dramatic turn when her father names her the next Alpha of their pack, by passing her older brother, Dean, the expected heir. This decision sends shockwaves through the pack, creating divisions and stirring dangerous ambitions.
As Finley grapples with the weight of leadership, she faces relentless challenges from within and outside the pack. Her journey is fraught with sabotage, familial betrayal, and power struggles, as Dean schemes to claim the Alpha title for himself. Alongside her best friend Cellie and the enigmatic vampire Cleo, Finley uncovers ancient secrets about her lineage, her father's motives, and a prophecy that could reshape the supernatural hierarchy.
The tension escalates as Dean's defiance aligns him with rival factions, forcing Finley into battles that test her resilience, strategy, and trust in those around her. In a world where enemies often masquerade as allies, Finley must prove her worth as a leader while guarding her pack against internal discord and external threats.
Always and Forever blends high-stakes action, intricate relationships, and poignant self-reflection, offering readers a gripping tale of a young woman learning to embrace her destiny, protect her loved ones, and rise above those who would see her fall. As alliances shift and the stakes grow higher, Finley discovers that being a true leader means not only commanding respect but also finding the strength to stand alone.
With Caleb safely tucked away in his metaphorical grave, Lila should be free to live her life pretty happily. She's got her soulmate, her pack, and her new kick ass werewolf was good. But every family has its skeletons, and it's not just her own that's knocking to get out.