Adventures of Detective Julius Lee and his friend Inspector Nathan Andrew in the magical and mystical city of Belloùce. Short stories narrating the labours of Julius and his friend in solving the most intriguing and mysterious cases in a new magical world, where sorcery and mystical arts are practiced. 1)The Adventure of missing cab. A kidnap, A bank robbery and Why magicians can't teleport in Belloùce. Read what links them all as Julius and Nathan fumble their brain on this case. 2)The Three Witches A group of three deceptive, cunning and beautiful witches are committing frauds with wealthy men in the country. Read how will Julius and Nathan put them in the hands of law. 3)Letters from a Ghost A physicist, man of science, had consulted Julius to solve the mystery of bloody letters written by a Ghost haunting his house. Will Julius be able to solve it? 4)The Secret Garden of Queen Nymeria An archeologist had been murdered. Julius finds an old leather book in his possessions, telling a legend about Queen Nymeria and her Secret Garden. Will Julius find the murderer before he try to kill him too? Inspired from sherlock holmes stories. [The word count may be less than other stories on wattpad, but I will focus on the Quality of the story] The fonts used in making of cover: ExtraOrnamentalNo2 freeribbons Cornpop PiratesTwo Dingle Berries Midnightminutes Carnivalee Freakshow (All are free for non-commercial use)All Rights Reserved