They were family...once. An eon ago Kim Namjoo's freshly divorced mother married Kim Jongin's father in hopes of a better life. Unprecedented was a blossoming relationship between Namjoo and Jongin that causes his sister to become suspicious of them. Then marital problems start to create tension in the newly created family. A complexity of issues breaks them up, separating Namjoo and Jongin. Years later Jongin is back from studying abroad with a girlfriend in tow and Namjoo is getting engaged to his friend. Suspicions arise again when their longing hearts reunite. ***Characters are mine, this is all from my imagination. I'm only borrowing images and names, no other intention ***I've decided to revamp the story. I didn't like the tone with how I told the story previously and everything felt rushed, because I wasn't properly prepared to write a good sequence for them. Someone asked and so here I'm back with the Kaijoo :) Once more going with the growing up, passing the years, meeting again kind of trope, because we all grow up don't we? Either with bad memories or good memories that make it, and that's just the formula I want to use. I wanted to write another story for HunJoo but then what I planned overlapped with what I already prepared for this, so I'll leave them for another time.