so this is a book with a bunch of letters that I wrote. If you read description before this one. Forget about it. Toss it out of your mind. Because these are my letters that helped my open up about thoughts I don't tell anyone. I want people to know that life gets better when you are mentally fucked up. It'll get better but life never stays happy. It's a fact that we all hate, so if you don't like people being a roller coaster with their thoughts don't read this, because that how my life it. It gets better than it gets worse. I have issues and these are how I feel about it and if you have questions or just want to talk to me because you are going through stuff and you just want soemeome to vent to. Go for it, vent to me if you want. One of my letters that I will type up tell you, if you need someone to talk to, I'm more than happy to listen. But enjoy? The letters, warning you may cry. Some of my friends read these and were in tears.