In the fantastical land of Ever After, where life after the so-called "Happily Ever Afters" continues, there lies a mystical, and elite school by the name of Everadon High. There, Serena White, daughter of the beautiful and illustrious Snow White, comes to befriend Silver Petrova, the daughter of her mother's sworn enemy, the malicious and vain Evil Queen. Together, the high school girls fall upon an amazing adventure, where they discover fun, romance, and fall upon a decades-old mystery. However, will the girls be able to decipher this hidden secret? If they do, what will become of them, of the world they thought they knew so well?
Forced to gallivant around like common ruffians in search of answers, as Serena would say, the girls must abruptly place together the serrated edges of the elusive mystery, to avert any further consequences. Despite the girls' newfound -if slightly materialistic- companionship, Silver cannot help but stoke her resentment for the White family, as she secretly plots to obtain the one thing she covets most in the realm of Magix: power. Determined to uphold her vow to overthrow the line of succession for the throne of Everadon, Silver is prepared to employ ruthless tactics to thoroughly best any adversary that dares stand in her way. When a formerly dormant potent dark magic rises in Serena, it forces the girls to acquire the answers they seek in due time, and forces Silver to choose between becoming the ruination of the White family, or the savior of them...
You will be my Revenge (A SwanQueen Story) (OLD VERSION)
17 parts Complete
17 parts
The Evil Queen has been waiting for her revenge for way too long. So as word spreads that Snow White is about to have a daughter she makes a plan to finally destroy her most hated Enemy. Using a Time Spell Regina wakes up 20 years later to finally set her plan into motion.
Princess Emma is becoming 18 (yes 18 years old, 20 years after the Charming's had their first child c: ) after today and her parents are throwing her a huge ball, mainly so she will finally pick a husband. Her childhood hasn't been easy, her parents were overprotective and she has never actually seen the outside world.
No one would have thought the ball would and Emma's 18th birthday would be the day the Evil Queen made her grand return and kidnaps the princess.
But was the Evil Queen really prepared for the influence of the blond? Or will their lives both get turned upside down?
Well I guess you'll just need to read it to find out. (You don't necessarily need to have watched OUAT to understand it but it is still based on that show though the curse never happened.)
This story is finished but in the process of being edited:
As of March 16, 2021: I am in the process of revising this story and will replace the old version here as soon as possible. This with the background that I noticed that a lot of details are missing, that many things are described in a very strange way and it's very poorly written in some parts (I mean I wrote this like one and a half year ago so back off I'll fix it now xD).
As of March 17, 2021: I'm also going to add a few chapters and change the end so yeah c:
As of March 27, 2021: The First three chapters of the The version are posted and the rest will follow soon.