Prophecies are troublesome, tiresome, bothersome, wearisome, irksome... one would get the idea after being confined by it since the time they were even thought of being created. This story follows a few who are tied by said irritating prophecies - and how those prophecies are determined to make themselves come true, however the 'prophecees' may try to escape. Most of the time they try to flee unknowingly - those who do try consciously are already too late. ---- Edit (12/10/2012): hi! This is my first time writing an official story story, not an essay story, so I am sorry for any mistakes! Please help me by commenting and giving advice or your thoughts on the chapters! I hope to improve my writing and maybe, just maybe, fulfill my dream of publishing my own book one day ^^ arigatou. BTW: this story contains quite a wide range of, well, things - including ambiguous (as of now) magic, wings, thieves, normal(?) teenagers, singapore, lamp posts. fox-demons, ........ (list will grow as more of the story is revealed. :) )