My Poem is an Honest take on today's scenario, not just in India but All Over the World.
Everyday, we read in newpapers, watch on news and see the rallies of how somewhere or the other human itself is not only destroying but also taking other human's life. Keeping a very realistic approach, I could not bring myself to sing happy praises of how free we are and how we are progressing towards modernity..because beneath this coverage lies a shameful truth that everything is a sham, a lie we tell ourselves. We might have progressed materialistically, but where humanity is concerned, we are worse than those uneducated inhabitants of Stone age.
"What we need to learn is that We are HUMAN first, the rest can be taken care of!"
I am not being a cynic but it would better for us that we open our eyes even now, overcome all wrong perceptions and influences, and not just talk but do something, in our little ways to stop whatever is going on around us and 'live and let live without fear'...that would be "Freedom" in the true sense of the word!
Seriously ask yourself, Just "How free are we"?
Cover: Awwthentic
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