A heart gripping tale of the events that take place after the battle of Hogwarts revealing the forbidden and unexpected relationship between the misunderstood Slytherin warrior, Draco Malfoy, and the adored Gryffindor princess, Hermione Granger. Venture back into the past and gaze at the lives of the wizards and witches in a new light. Are the Slytherins really as evil as the rest of the world believes ? Are the Gryffindors the only heroes in this tale? Does the rivalry between the two houses stop soulmates from finding love? A dramione fan fiction based on forbidden love, rivalries, heartbreak, hatred and betrayal. However amidst the suffering and pain it is notable that true love conquers all. ••• " Well that was technically my fault. I was a egotistical narcissistic jerk, your words not mine." Draco said lightly. " And if it was up to me..." he continued " I would add handsome, suave and charming to the list." " Yeah right..." Hermione scoffed." I remembered why I hated you. Honestly don't you have more common sense than to call a girl a walrus?" " Correction, I called you a beaver not a walrus" Draco teased. " Miss Know It All should know the difference." "Well what do I look like now? " she asked almost flirtausly changing tactics to win the battle she seemed to be losing. Draco looked at her, a soft smile spreading across his face. " I think you..." he said softly " upgraded into an otter! " " Hey!" Hermione yelled slapping his arm as Draco bursted out laughing. ••• Nyctophilia : An attraction to darkness or night; finding relaxation or comfort in the darkness.All Rights Reserved