This includes; - CallMeCarson - JSchlatt - Wilbur Soot - Traves - Ted Nivison - and so on, so forth. CallMeCarson and his friends have already expressed their discomfort with creepy messages and fanfics. They don't care if it's jusT a SToRY AHah- they breed stans, creeps, and so much more. They don't want this, but you keep ignoring their genuine, valid requests. They want their fans to regard them as FRIENDS, not objects or dolls of which you mush their heads together to simulate kissing. They're people, streamers, very normal people. Watch this stream, it's arounf 50 minutes. It expresses CallMeCarson's distaste for these. I don't care if you dislike this 'story', I'm not here to make a story, I'm here to state my case, as well as their case as all of you don't bloody care what they want, think or feel about this.All Rights Reserved
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