"The Thorndlike of Valley Spring" is a captivating love tale of childhood friends Elisabetta Letcher and Seth Thorndlike, whose deep connection is reignited after years of separation. Set against the picturesque backdrop of Valley Spring, the story unfolds in a town where ancient oak trees and cobblestone streets create a setting ripe for romance and rediscovery. The town's vibrant community life, characterized by farmers' markets, town hall meetings, and candlelit festivals that illuminate the nights, plays a pivotal role in rekindling Elisabetta and Seth's friendship into something more. Mayor Abby Thorndlike-Stanton's legacy was intertwined with the town's fabric, throughout the tenure of territorial governor Lenny Guerrant. It is palpable in every corner of Valley Spring, where tradition and progress dance in harmony, shaping the lives of its residents. Valley Spring emerges as a character in its own right, a place where every step tells a story and every heart, including those of Elisabetta and Seth, finds a home. Welcome to Valley Spring, dear traveler's I DISCLAIMER. I DO NOT OWN When Calls the Heart. ALL RIGHTS GO TO When Calls the Heart and The Hallmark Company, Home and Family, and Pond several radio announcers. I only own the new ones that come in!
12 parts