ATTENTION: My original story is in Italian and this is just a translation so please be kind because English is not my first language! Enjoy.
The story takes place after the events of Avengers: Endgame.
After returning due to "the Blip", Wanda found herself completely lost and afraid towards a life that seemed to have been inevitably fallen apart.
Trying to find a solution to face this new situation and the facts she had recently learned, she will have to confront her past.
What will bring her to her increasingly painful decline will be the knowledge of the loss of the person she had most beloved in her life, Natasha, whom she had never been able to express all her feelings.
A journey in search of awareness, of certainties, an acceptance of a grief that seemed to have totally destroyed her, but, more than anything, a journey through an overwhelming and heartbreaking love of two women who had done nothing more than love each other on the most unreserved and passionate way.