Kaya Okane is a high school student in Tokyo. Her family lives in the country as yew tree forestry cultivators. She has a passion for music, but no natural born talent for it. As such she has practiced from a young age to become talented in several instruments. When she realized the school in the country wasn't going to help her achieve her career goal of playing for the Joe Hisashi Orchestra she got permission to attend school in Tokyo. Bunji Iehiro chose to assimilate with a 'mortal' lifestyle to break away from his home and responsibility for a time. Though he couldn't get away with not aging in a public role, his intentions are to spend as much time as he can doing what he loves: composing collaborative music with Joe Hisashi and teaching instrumental music to young minds. However, he has a tendency to attract yokai and oni so he tends to get in trouble, in that regard, and sometimes vanishes for a day or two, 'sick', when real duty calls. Whatever will be, will be.