"No ten steps rule or whatever, just write it all out, the shit'll sort itself out."
Life is filled with some sort of catch to it, some irony and laced with some unnamed tragedy. We all have our coping mechanisms, our way to feel warmth. Delicate as misery is, treating it as something rational helps. Thus, exploring the science of grief.
All stories carry a bit of grief in them. To Drew, it became a story about a misfortunate boy who loses so much, yet feels no agony. Like a stranger, alienated from emotion and the world, he somehow has to deal with his own. An overworked sister, a mother who was gone, a mind that was broken and a past that's still haunting. He wants to feel the misery. But somehow, he can't.
Instead he writes. He writes to the things and people he lost and addresses them to the skies, hoping for his words to be heard.
And just as luck would have it, someone did hear. A sort of short story about bittersweet things.
The Science of Grief :)