She is known to the world by many. He is known to world by many as well. She is the sweetheart and he is known as the asshole of the NFL and a player.
He was never one to settle down and she is all about love and romance.
So how in the world does the universe bring these two total opposites together you may ask?
A wedding
And one night of passion..
33 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
33 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
Weddings where never really your scene, you didn't enjoy socialising with people and small talk made you uncomfortable. But then something happened... Or rather someone happened.
And that person happened to Bucky goddamn Barnes.
One thing lead to another, and somehow by the end of the night you were pretending to date each other.
But how much of it is really pretending?
Bucky Barnes x Reader
r a n k i n g s
no . 1 : # jamesbarnes 09 - 25 - 2021
no . 1 : # buckybarnesxreader 09 - 27 - 2021
no . 1 : # jamesbuchananbarnes 10 - 04 - 2021