It all started when I went his meet and greet I had butterflies in my stomach, and couldn't breathe ,or eat. So my mom asked if I was ok I was more than ok I was IN LOVE! So we were leaving to go to his concert/meet and greet. When this little girl comes up to me and says " can u help me find my mommy please." I was a sucker for little kids being lost so I had to help. We went everywhere till she said "let's try and see if she is backstage."I was not sure but anything to help her out. So we went backstage I don't know how but she had a backstage pass with her, she even said that I was with to let me pass. So we went to this dressing room that said AUSTIN MAHONE in big letters. I told her that "we shouldn't go in there it's not the room we need to go in,"but she pulled me into the room and guess who was standing there. Yep austin mahone I was so shocked I said "sorry she pulled me in here and said that she lost her mommy so I had to help her." He said "that's so sweet of u to do that."All Rights Reserved