15 years after the ecological catastrophe known as Third Impact, now said to be caused by Shinji Ikari and his Synthetic Variable Fighter known as Evangelion Unit-01, he is now dragged back across a barren red wasteland by Aska Shikinami. Emotionally and mentally broken, he is imprisoned aboard the IAV Miracle to await trial for his supposed crimes. That is until a shocking reveal from the mysterious clone of Rei Ayanami, known commonly as Rei Q, changes everything a good portion of the world and everyone in Wille (officially the World Security Group) believes about the situation. When this finally comes to Shinji's attention, he reunites with old friends and sets out to finish his own fight that he began 15 years ago before being captured and thrown in stasis for 1/3rd of that time. Armed with this revelation, the shadowy organization known to many as the Triforce, mysteriously reappears on the international stage and a bllody worldwide campaign of surveillance, terror, and violence begins, with any who are deemed a threat to "the bright future" hunted and eliminated. And finally, Shinji will finally confront his father in a final battle between the Triforce and NERV that determine the future of the whole world.All Rights Reserved