Imagine this-you're out on a walk.
It begins to rain and you don't have any money or your phone on you because you left it in the spur of the moment. There is absolutely nobody who can help you but yourself.
You give up and take a seat on a bench in the middle of the park. The rain is getting heavier and you're cold. Suddenly-you can't feel the rain anymore. What happened? Did it stop?
You see a pair of soaked boots and look up to see a beautiful face that you've never seen before. You bask in their presence and you're grateful for their generosity in sharing their umbrella with you. No words are exchanged, yet you can both understand each other without it.
The rain begins to clear up, and you watch in admiration as a rainbow begins to appear. How is it possible that just a minute ago you felt completely hopeless, and now here you are, smiling again?
Well, this is what friendships can do to you. Friends can help you and can shine a light when you're in a dark tunnel, if you let them. They can pick up your head when it's too heavy for you to do it yourself. They can guide you whenever you're lost.
But not all can do this, only the committed can. Only the lucky ones.
There are soul mates in this universe, people who are meant for each other.
That applies to all kinds of relationships and friendships.
It's rare to meet one type of your soul mates-or what we like to call it, best friends-so early on in life. Only the fortunate are that lucky.
You don't always realise the symptoms of meeting your soul mate immediately. Sometimes it takes time. While your brain is catching up, your hearts and souls are already in sync. They're just waiting for the perfect moment to do something about it. And when they do, in that split second, lives can be changed.
And when they are, things will never be the same.
A short story of the transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly, of the blossom of the friendship between my best friend and I.