Milo a 26-year-old male with black hair which is always kept in a rat's tail. Is a recent college graduate with a talent for working with dogs. For years he kept a secret unknown to his friends and family. But what happens when CDC warns others of? Flu-like virus outbreaks are killing millions of people that won't stay dead? -- After getting home from work my friends where all-out partying while I stayed home and worked. I then turned on my radio hearing a scientist says in a panic as the background had people screaming in pain and fear. "Please everybody stays inside. If your loved ones have flu-like symptoms please remove them from the house immediately. After they die they will become the monsters that are around us." He then screams shouting his loved his wife. I turned off the radio as my friends returned home early looking like scared stoned shit heads. Nick seems to be fine he doesn't seem like he was drinking or doing anything that would make him look like the twins. I raised an eyebrow "Nick go get my rv keys and meet me at my dad's house." I spoke as I got up and rushed upstairs to grab my duffle bags of cloth. I had my stuffed packed already because I had plans to move out of the house. But things don't go as planned. After I arrived at my dad's house I had to hide and quickly change into human form. I had the same clothes on before. I jogged to the door and opened it seeing blood trail leading upstairs and two wolves whimpering. My heart drops as I rushed to the sound. I opened my dad's bedroom door seeing he was laying on the floor dead. My two pet wolves where gently muzzle my father as they whimpered. I grabbed their collars and lead. I put their collars on the two wolves. I attached their leads to their collars and gently tugged and said: "Come on Snow let's go Shadow." Their ears fell back. They followed me outside as Nick just parked the R.V. When we left Snow and Shadow began whimpering again. We left the city leaving our home.All Rights Reserved