"It's saddening how dull the world has become. How gray and almost meaningless our lives became because of our restraints."
"Well, what can we do about it? We don't have a choice but to follow so that this 'utopia' doesn't get disrupted."
"Yeah, sure. A world where people aren't allowed to express themselves because it's a bad thing to do is certainly a utopia. I should probably just throw my heart and soul away and then I'd really feel like I'm in paradise.
Freedom of expression was stripped from people all over the globe by those who believe that it causes nothing more than disagreements and war. Everybody is obliged to hide their faces, restrain their body movements, and silence their voices so that everyone can function together without opposing one another because of their differences. After some time, people stopped trying to go against it and accepted it as their way of life. Soon enough, the population became nothing more than husks of forgotten passions and emotions.
Arthur Kirkland is one of these people. He goes through his life like how everyone does; Wake up, eat, go to work, go home, and sleep. He has long forgotten what did he really wants to do with his life and simply goes along with what was imposed onto society. Life has long lost its spark, everything seems to repeat itself, and he only wishes for it to end .
That is until he met Francis, a man who believes that conformity is not the solution for society's problems but rather, it's human individuality.