Follow the adventures of Kim and Lynn Possible, twin, highschool, crime-fighting sisters who, with the help of their best friend, Ron Stoppable, and his pet naked mole rat, Rufus, saves the world from various comical and dastardly villains.
And all the while, Lynn and her sister still are able to find time to be relatively normal teenage girls, with crushes, extracurricular activities, and high-school rivals to deal with.
Read to join Lynn Possible on her action-packed adventures!
(I don't own Kim Possible or it's characters. Only my Oc character. All rights go to creator(s).)
Drakken and Shego have been working on evil schemes together for a long time now. When Shego finally gets fed up with losing all the time and leaves, Drakken is forced to do something he had hoped he would never have to do. Get Kim Possible for help.